CBSE school examination Beyond students scores
Similar to most institutions of higher learning (HLI) around the globe, the admission requirements for all HLI in Malaysia offering engineering courses include good grades in physics, mathematics or other numerate subjects. Students’ evaluations are based on the grades scored from administrative tests, quizzes and assignments are convenient as it provides a summative measure of students’ cognitive ability. However, such measure is said be lacking in precision and low in reliability when measuring achievement levels of individual students. The aim of this paper is to reassess the method of evaluation by taking into account of the measurements of items and linear measures for persons and items. Using the stochastic Rasch model, performance of the matriculation students in the Physics examination paper is examined. The study suggests that the item model gives a good fit but persons and items measurement gives a fair fit. The measurement also indicates that a number of students encounter significant difficulties in grasping some of the fundamental topics in physics. These findings provide valuable insights into the structure and functionality of the examination paper. In general terms, it provides useful information in ensuring quality delivery of teaching and learning at the matriculation level. Karthi Vihayala Kumbakonam

The evaluation of the matriculation or pre-university students’ based on exam grade has been widely used as the main source for the admission into higher learning institutions (HLI). These evaluations are mainly gathered from administrative tests, quizzes, assignments and also the final examination. Traditionally, a student is graded as excellent, good or average by the number A’s the student gets and also the figure the student gets in the cumulative grade point average (CGPA). Getting good grades for the assignments but performing badly in the final examination will pull down the grades of the student. Therefore, students have to perform well throughout the year especially in the final examination in order to enter the Higher Learning Institution (HLI) of their interest
The use of the Rasch model provides evidence of both the validity and the reliability of the test or the examination paper set [1]. The Rasch model uses mathematical formulas to calculate the probability that a person will get an item correct and that an item will be answered correctly by a person. When the probabilities are very different from what actually occurs, the results show that the data do not fit the expectations of the mathematical model. It does this through the use of fit statistics [5]. Hence, using Rasch model, the validity of questions set for the examination can be checked, reviewed and improved to achieve the valid measurement. This paper provides some information of the final examination Physics paper which, analysis the relationship between items of the question paper and student’s attributes using Rasch Model .