conducted fancy dress competition in CBSE Schools
Earlier this month the project also hosted a free World Book Day event, giving local children the opportunity to dress up, enjoy story time with the Gruffalo, make masks and take part in other arts and crafts as well as attend a mad hatter’s tea party. There was a fancy-dress competition won by the Stickman and all of the kids and parents had a great afternoon.
A pop-up business school was also held, with the aim of inspiring people in the area to turn their passion into something they can make a living from.
Michelle Ratcliffem, fundraising and events officer, said: “It has been so good to see the people of the Levenmouth area and visitors enjoying our past events, and I hope that our future events continue to gain the support of our communities.”CBSE Schools in Kumbakonam
Brian Robertson-Fern, chair of the Levenmouth Together steering group, added: “The events have really helped build the profile of the area.

Importantly it has also allowed us to built up a bank of local volunteers that help make the events a real success and we would encourage others to also get involved.
“It important to remember that any surplus funds created at the events are all reinvested in the local community via our Community Chest.”
“We will be holding an adult and children’s fancy dress competition.
“Bring along a picnic and chairs and make a day of it at this special, family friendly event!”
The news has been welcomed by locals who believe it’s a fine way to honour Lincolnshire ’s past and RAF roots.One person said online that it was the ‘perfect way’ to celebrate the past.
“Had a stall last year – the whole event was fab, with great weather too,” said another.